last day in New York

Managed to make the last day in New York pretty stereotypical:

  • wait 25 minutes for a bus that should come every 12: check
  • switch trains in order to save yourself a two-block walk, end up waiting 20 extra minutes: check
  • take a cab ride which makes you violently nauseous: check
  • go to a spectacularly beautiful Olmsted-ian park: check
  • go to (a branch of) the Met; see plundered but incredibly beautiful and unique works of art: check
  • have a dinner that would be hard to have anywhere else, featuring steak tartar topped with ice cream, freeze dried mustard, and pretzel consomme: check

Also spent a big chunk of the day packing and doing laundry; leave for North Carolina in… well, about 15 minutes if you count the ride to the airport. Will miss Krissa a lot but am really looking forward to the summer job. And I think she is looking forward to an excuse to visit the Triangle again :)

Next week I’ll be basically completely offline and in the mountains around Asheville, so if you’re looking to get in touch with me, leave a message after the beep.

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